Other Competitions and Educational Offers

Stars Shine for Everyone (SSVI)

"SSVI" Stars Shine for Everyone is a project aiming at bringing kids with disabilities and coming from underserved communities in contact with science, astronomy in particular.

SSVI is a collaboration between Volkssterrenwacht A.Pien vzw and Ghent University, and every year organizes one or more contests where the participants can win a telescope and extra educational material.

International Astronomy and Astrophysics Competition (IAAC)


Dive into the depths of the cosmos with the International Astronomy and Astrophysics Competition and use your astronomy skills to win certificates, awards, and prizes. All high-school and first-year university students from around the world are invited to challenge their knowledge in three unique rounds: qualification, pre-final, and final round – each with unique problems, such as reading real-world scientific papers. Participating in this learning experience will deepen your knowledge of space research and allow you to join a global network of similar-minded students. Teachers can register online, and talented students are encouraged to join the IAAC ambassador program to inspire other youths for astronomy. The deadline for the qualification round is 26 April 2024 at 23:59 UTC. You can find and submit this year’s problem sheet onlineonline.

PiA - Physics in Advent

"Physics in Advent"

"PiA - Physics in Advent“ is aimed at children and young people aged between 11 and 18 years and is an Advent calendar of a special kind: a physical Advent calendar. Behind every little door there is some education and fun. Based on the experience of previous years, parents, teachers, students or those simply interested in physical phenomena also take great pleasure in it.

You can watch a simple experiment every day from 1 to 24 December on YouTube, that you can easily do yourself using standard household materials. Afterwards you will try to explain the phenomena, with four possible answers. The next day, the solution is available - again via a YouTube video. If you wish, the results can be evaluated: individually, for a school class or even for whole schools. The best participants, classes or schools receive prizes. 



The International School on Modern Physics and Research, INSPYRE, is one of the major and more prestigious Educational Programmes of the INFN Frascati National Laboratory, in Italy.

The School is addressed to High School students, attending the last two years, and coming from all over the world, it aims at introducing the students to the hot topics of Modern Physics. The goal of the School is to transfer knowledge in the context of frontier research, cutting-edge technologies and present the connection between science and society.


Scienscope  is the science mediation center of the Faculty of Science of the University of Geneva. Its goal is triggering and cultivating the fascination for science within the population, in particular within young people who are shaping their future career. The Scienscope includes interactive workshops and hands-on activities in physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, IT and earth science. Its participative approach reinforces the links between pupils, teachers, researchers and the wider public. School classes can visit the Scienscope free of charge, upon reservation. Other groups between 10 and 25 persons can register as well, subject to availability. The Scienscope also includes an astronomic observation platform piloted through the Internet, and a platform which supports schools in teaching modern biology by providing the necessary materials and skills.

Science on Stage - The European Network for Science Teachers

Copyright: Science on Stage Europe

How to enthuse students for STEM? It is the teachers that matter! That is why the non-profit association Science on Stage supports the continuous professional development of STEM teachers from primary to secondary school.

Following the motto 'from teachers for teachers' Science on Stage puts a special focus on the personal exchange, the networking and the motivation of teachers. With educational festivals, workshops, teacher exchanges, international teacher projects and the development of teaching material the network spreads innovative best practice teaching concepts in over 30 countries all across Europe - all hands-on, tested and high quality.

Join our network and find out more about Science on Stage in your country at www.science-on-stage.eu.

Interested in joining a project on quantum computing? Have a look at it: Quantum Computing in STEM Education.

The Institute for Research in School

Whether a novice, a young student mastering the fundamentals or a bright mind requiring a challenge, the Institute for Research in Schools (IRIS) projects suit a wide range of interests. Our research projects are aimed at 14-19-year-olds living in the UK. We also provide support for UK students working on original research projects. IRIS projects suit home learning and are a great opportunity for students to delve deeper into their subjects. Explore our projects at https://researchinschools.org/projects/.